
I'm Martin Pihl from the Danish LoCo team. Today I wrote a blog article (which unfortunately does not seems to appear on Planet Ubuntu for you to see) which pose the question: Could a closer Scandinavian/Nordic cooperation benefit all the Nordic countries - or rather the Ubuntu marketshare?
I give two examples of things that might help us all: The one thing is being our common languages which is helpful for people who wants to become active but are not good at English. The other example is a common IRC channel which will improve the contact network among Nordic Ubunteros as well as offer another possibility for newcomers to get questions answered in a Nordic language.
The common Nordic cultural inheritance offers us a great possibility to work more close together. As I ask in my blog article: Perhaps some more of you Scandinavians out there have further thoughts on this matter and perhaps even some good ideas to how a closer cooperation between the Nordic communities could create some effective synergy to the benefit of Ubuntu marketshare in the Nordic countries.
With hopes for a fruitful discussion, kind regards
Martin Pihl
Måske det også kunne give anledning til danske ubuntu aktive om hvad vi kunne gøre for at få et bedre nordisk samarbejde, og om det ikke kunne give nogle synergi effekter.