install alsa 10.21 driver

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install alsa 10.21 driver

Indlæg af kreto »

fandt denne guide til at opdatere alsa driver i 9.10 til 10.21 da 10.20 gav mig problemer i spil.
om der er almen viden :?: tænkte den var god til os der ikke ved meget om ubuntu....................endnu :mrgreen:

Upgrade Alsa (1.0.21) on Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10
October 29th, 2009 by alpho2k | Print Upgrade Alsa (1.0.21) on Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10
alsa Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 is coming by default with the version 1.0.20 of Alsa so I decided to upgrade to the last version wich is 1.0.21.

What is Alsa (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) ?

According to Wikipedia, Alsa is a Linux kernel component intended to replace the original Open Sound System (OSS) for providing device drivers for sound cards. Some of the goals of the ALSA project at its inception were automatic configuration of sound-card hardware, and graceful handling of multiple sound devices in a system, goals which it has largely met.

Installation :

To do this, we must begin by determining our version of alsa as follows :

cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.20.

To avoid problems during the upgrade of Alsa-utils, we need to stop it with the following command :

sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop

We must then install the necessary tools to compile along with the kernel headers :

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential ncurses-dev gettext xmlto
sudo apt-get -y install linux-headers-`uname -r` libncursesw5-dev

Then, we go in our personal folder and download alsa-driver, alsa-lib and alsa-utils :

After that, we create a new folder for the compilation and installation of the 3 files. Then, we move the 3 tar files that we just downloaded in this folder :

sudo rm -rf /usr/src/alsa
sudo mkdir -p /usr/src/alsa
cd /usr/src/alsa
sudo cp ~/alsa* .

Unpack the 3 tar files :

sudo tar xjf alsa-driver*
sudo tar xjf alsa-lib*
sudo tar xjf alsa-utils*

We compile and install alsa-driver :

cd alsa-driver*
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

We compile and install alsa-lib :

cd ../alsa-lib*
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

We compile and install alsa-utils :

cd ../alsa-utils*
sudo ./configure
sudo make
sudo make install

If like me, you got this error during the last “sudo ./configure” :

checking form.h presence... yes
checking for form.h... yes
checking for new_panel in -lpanelw... no
configure: error: panelw library not found

You will need to add those symbolics links (only if you got the error) and restart the installation from the last “sudo ./configure” :

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /lib/

Then, we remove the 3 tar files in our personal folder that are not anymore necessary :

rm -f ~/alsa-driver*
rm -f ~/alsa-lib*
rm -f ~/alsa-utils*

Then, just restart your computer and your alsa version should be 1.0.21!

You can verify that you have now indeed have this version of alsa :

cat /proc/asound/version
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.21.
Compiled on Oct 15 2009 for kernel 2.6.31-14-generic (SMP)

Just to be sure everything is well configured, execute this command :

sudo alsaconf

and reboot again!

eller ... oala-9-10/
mvh kreto
Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: install alsa 10.21 driver

Indlæg af zob »

Den nemmeste måde at upgradere alsa på er at bruge alsa-scriptet som brugeren soundcheck vedligeholder på
Du behøver kun at læse den aller første på, alle vigtige opdateringer bliver skrevet ind i den og nederst i posten er der et download-link til alsa-scriptet.
Til gengæld anbefaler jeg dig lige at bruge tid på at læse den første post igennem, det er jo ikke småting du roder i. Men når man først har prøvet et par gange er det utroligt nemt at bruge. En vupti-oplevelse (dog tager den noget længere tid). Og husk at genstarterte - MEN FØRST NÅR DEN ER FÆRDIG!

PS. Scriptet installerer desværre ikke 1.0.21, som du efterlyser men 1.0.22. Men det kan vel også bruges. Der er endda en restore-funktion i scriptet, hvis det skulle gå helt galt.

Re: install alsa 10.21 driver

Indlæg af kreto »

hej zob
den har jeg ikke set :shock: :x hmmm mon det er tid til førehund :lol:
mvh kreto
Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: install alsa 10.21 driver

Indlæg af zob »

Det er jo heller ikke ligefrem det første man støder på. Men jeg har brugt den flittigt. Har altid fungeret upåklageligt.