Jeg har instaleret Flightgear.
Når jeg starter programmet op køre processeren på 100 % og det bliver den ved med.
Alt kører meget langsomt.
Kan heller ikke finde et sted, hvor man kan sætter grafik niveaut ned.
Jeg har dette grafikkort
Kode: Vælg alt
lspci | grep VGA
03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41.8 [GeForce Go 6800] (rev a2)
Ellers har jeg
1 giga ram
1,73 GHz intel (r) Pentium(R) M Processor
Jeg tror ikke, at grafikkortet er installeret helt korrekt.
Jeg har kørt install igennem.
System / Administration / Hardwaredriver
Hvor den instalerede
NVIDIA-accelereret grafikdriver (version 185) [Anbefalet]
Linux users: If you are an nVidia user, follow their directions on getting your card working. For most other users, make sure Mesa is installed property and ensure that you have the appropriate kernel device drivers for your card. Most people (and distributions) use modules for their video card device drivers; run `lsmod` as root to see what modules are loaded. You should also make sure that you are loading the appropriate modules in your XF86Config and that your video device section is correct. Now try running an OpenGL application (other than FlightGear) to see how it performs. You can try the gears demo from Mesa or something like Quake3.
Har fundet dette fra producenten, men er meget i tvivl hvordan kommer videre.
Håber I kan hjælpe mig!!!
Hilsen Jesper Tage