Tilføje Bogmærker i Nautilus Ubuntu 15.10

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Finn Bjerke
Indlæg: 1962
Tilmeldt: 7. sep 2009, 23:33
IRC nickname: finnbjerke
Geografisk sted: Moss Norge

Tilføje Bogmærker i Nautilus Ubuntu 15.10

Indlæg af Finn Bjerke »

Jeg vil gerne have mulighed fior at tilføje ekstra bogmærker i Nautilus under Ubuntu 15.10, jeg har mere end en harddisk ombord, så dette ville være praktisk - Er det muligt ?

Følger man hjælpe forklaring sker der intet

Edit folder bookmarks
Your bookmarks are listed in the sidebar of the file manager.
Add a bookmark:
Open the folder (or location) that you want to bookmark.
Click Bookmarks in the menu bar and select Bookmark this Location.
Delete a bookmark:
Click Bookmarks in the menu bar and select Bookmarks... from the app menu.
In the Bookmarks window, select the bookmark you wish to delete and click the - button.
Rename a bookmark:
Click on Files in the top bar and pick Bookmarks from the app menu.
In the Bookmarks window, select the bookmark you wish to rename.
In the Name text box, type the new name for the bookmark.
Renaming a bookmark does not rename the folder. If you have bookmarks to two different folders in two different locations, but which each have the same name, the bookmarks will have the same name, and you won't be able to tell them apart. In these cases, it is useful to give a bookmark a name other than the name of the folder it points to.
Kardemommeloven er en god ting.
Indlæg: 20889
Tilmeldt: 15. nov 2009, 15:04
IRC nickname: AJenbo
Geografisk sted: Vanløse, København

Re: Tilføje Bogmærker i Nautilus Ubuntu 15.10

Indlæg af AJenbo »

Husk at opgradere snart da 15.10 udløber i løbet af denne månede