Lidt linux morsomheder

Her postes alt, som ikke direkte har noget med Ubuntu at gøre.
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Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
IRC nickname: lars_t_h
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Top 10 Runlevels for Windows 8, Linux morsomheder

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Top 10 Runlevels for Windows 8
By FOSS Force Staff

Ah! Thursday! Who can we mess with using the half baked humor of our top 10 list this week?

You heard the news, we’re sure, that Ballmer & Company unveiled a preview of Windows 8 this week. We FOSS types couldn’t help but notice that the Microsofties seem to be copying more than a few Linux ideas with their new release, so we sent our crackpot investigative reporter Ms. Dos (well, she’s a crackpot, we know that much for sure) to nose around Redmond to see if she could find any unknown ways that the upcoming Windows operating system mimics the penguin.

Lo and behold! We discovered that Microsoft is secretly including Unix-like runlevels into their new OS. Some of these runlevels will be available to the user (although they won’t be called “runlevels”) and others will only be able to be activated by MS through the Windows Update feature, without user control. Doesn’t sound good, does it? Things from Redmond seldom do.

So, here it is, our list of the top 10 runlevels for Windows 8….

  • Reboot. It’s predicted this will be the most used runlevel in Windows.
  • Big Brother Mode. We can’t find anything about this because the information is classified and requires clearance from either Homeland Security or the Chinese government.
  • Pre-Infected Mode. Why wait for a drive-by attack. Go ahead and get it over with. Offer your machine as a bot to the Russian mob.
  • Reliable & Secure Mode. For enterprise users with really mission critical applications. Secretly boots system to a Linux kernel and runs the Windows 8 desktop using X. All Windows apps load via WINE.
    Normal GUI mode. Big, fat, gooey mode.
  • Mobile Mode. Otherwise known as Windows Mobile 8. The entire Windows 8 OS is still loaded onto the cell phone, so even if there was an app for that, you wouldn’t have room for it.
  • Command Line Mode. Oh, come on. No Windows user has known how to use the command line since version 3x.
    So-You’re-Thinking-of-not-Renewing-Your-Service-Contract Mode. Activated when an enterprise customer indicates they might take their support business to a third party vendor who is not a Microsoft partner. How many blue screens and reboots can your company take per day?
  • Safe Mode. Runs a barely functioning, crippled version of the OS so you can attempt to figure out what the frack went wrong now.
  • Halt. Shuts system down, allowing user to boot to a Linux live CD in order to wipe the hard drive and install a real operating system.

Well, that’s the top ten runlevels for Windows 8 that we know about. Perhaps you know about a few of your own that you can tell us about below….



Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Jeg anbefaler "Halt" 8-)
Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing
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Tilmeldt: 5. mar 2010, 19:58
IRC nickname: nicky
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Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af NickyThomassen »

Claus M
Indlæg: 360
Tilmeldt: 1. sep 2010, 21:20
IRC nickname: Claus M
Geografisk sted: Karlslunde

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Claus M »

Måske virkede tingene ikke rigtigt i Technical Education Center
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Ubuntu gives you more windows of opportunities

Xubuntu 22.04 på Lenovo T530 (fra 2012)
Raspberry Pi Desktop (Debian 32 bit) på Medion Akoya (fra 2006)
Claus M
Indlæg: 360
Tilmeldt: 1. sep 2010, 21:20
IRC nickname: Claus M
Geografisk sted: Karlslunde

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Claus M »

BØHHH !!!!!
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halloween.jpg (78.24 KiB) Vist 418 gange
Ubuntu gives you more windows of opportunities

Xubuntu 22.04 på Lenovo T530 (fra 2012)
Raspberry Pi Desktop (Debian 32 bit) på Medion Akoya (fra 2006)
Indlæg: 20861
Tilmeldt: 15. nov 2009, 15:04
IRC nickname: AJenbo
Geografisk sted: Vanløse, København

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af AJenbo »

Hmm det ser da ud til at vedhæftning af filer virker nogenlunde nu :)
Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing
Indlæg: 20861
Tilmeldt: 15. nov 2009, 15:04
IRC nickname: AJenbo
Geografisk sted: Vanløse, København

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af AJenbo »

Den kurve har jeg efterhænden værret igennem et par gange :)
Claus M
Indlæg: 360
Tilmeldt: 1. sep 2010, 21:20
IRC nickname: Claus M
Geografisk sted: Karlslunde

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Claus M »

Den er hammergod !

Jeg kender det bedst selv fra tiden før GPS når man havde travlt og er faret vild:
Har jeg tid til at holde ind til siden i 5 minutter og kigge i KRAK's kort - eller skal jeg fortsætte med fuld fart og køre omveje på ubestemt tid.....

(jeg tror mindst et par stykker af de forgående her i tråden kører efter den røde kurve)
Ubuntu gives you more windows of opportunities

Xubuntu 22.04 på Lenovo T530 (fra 2012)
Raspberry Pi Desktop (Debian 32 bit) på Medion Akoya (fra 2006)
Rattus Norvegicus
Indlæg: 511
Tilmeldt: 9. maj 2009, 07:14
Geografisk sted: Albertslund

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Rattus Norvegicus »

Hilsen Kenny
Finn Bjerke
Indlæg: 1962
Tilmeldt: 7. sep 2009, 23:33
IRC nickname: finnbjerke
Geografisk sted: Moss Norge

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Finn Bjerke »

Kardemommeloven er en god ting.
Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing
Indlæg: 3650
Tilmeldt: 5. mar 2010, 19:58
IRC nickname: nicky
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Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af NickyThomassen »

Hehe, den er god.

Måske vil de bare træne den lidt?
Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: Lidt linux morsomheder

Indlæg af laoshi »

Eller stirre på den til den falder død om...
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)